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Walking the Shore

Toronto, ON

Waking the Shore is a public realm transformation that articulates our collective journey to a more sustainable, humane, and ecologically-just future. In expressing the phenomena of the ever-changing environment around us, connecting our presence to the nearness of Lake Ontario, and celebrating the qualities of this location in the city, the art and landscape design project builds upon multiple layers of meanings and materials to create a new place for people.

Through the powerful sculptural forms of rising waves, water reclaims its place of primal importance, evoking the deeper histories of the site. The forces of nature are expressed musically through sound in the kinetic wind chimes and in solar-powered illumination that further animates the area.

In total, Walking the Shore animates close to 1,000-square-metres of previously inhospitable vertical space and ground area.

Within the east and west medians sit two swelling waves made of brightly painted re-used tires. Suspended between the Gardiner’s south concrete bents are solar-powered LED light rods and aluminum chimes that gently sway in the wind. Colour is applied throughout the site to demarcate and reassert the presence of people, evoking the movement of water, and improving the safety and accessibility for all.

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Toronto, ON

Bentway Waterfront ReConnect

Concept (Shortlisted competition entry)

Project Type
Public Art, Urban Design

Lead Artist

Mulvey & Banani Lighting

LeuWebb Projects + DIALOG

Press and Awards
Bentway – ”Waterfront ReConnect: Other Finalists in the 2022 Design Competition,” June 2023
Canadian Architect – ”Six shortlisted teams announced for the Bentway’s Waterfront ReConnect design competition,” October 2021

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